Monday, October 19, 2009

due date

arg paper #1 oct.28
arg paper #2 nov.11
long i search (presentation)- d1 nov25
d2 dec14

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

topics about argument paper

1. do i think this is a good idea that teemagers have jobs while they are still students.
2.people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.
3. learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. this a good expression"never,never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals?
5. travel with a companion or alone?

Monday, October 12, 2009

ulcerative colitis

Highly recommendation of preservation,
Flare ups
The causes of ulcerative colitis are unknown, but may involve heredity, the environment, and the immune system- that’s why we r gonna relate with immune system

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Short I search reflection

1. what key thinks have I learned in writing this short I -search and ' they-say-I-say"?
compare my opinions with other's opinions just like what they say. does this relate to what I already know?
the ideas that I've already know are from other's saying and what i searched. can I apply what I've learned in my future writings in this class?
I can use variable templates and
4.can i apply what I've learned in this units to aspects of life outside the classroom?
i see,, if i need to interview with my employer, i don't know what should i say. so using template will give me right direction.
5.what was a high point of this writing?
i am not sure what you means of high point.
is this such a biggest point that i am sure what i searched?
if it is so, i thinks after i solved equations with my chemistry professor, i could be sure there is no danger to intake diet-pop
6.what was the low point of this writing?
i dont know...
7.what obstacles did you encounter in completing this writing
grammatically, idiomatic, any expression that have to make sense to others.
8.what strategies did I use to overcome these obstacles
went to the writing center and checked my grammatical errors.
9.what have I leant about myself as a writer?
my weakest point of academic achievement is writing. I love to think but, I can't say or write the word which can make people's sympathy. I cannot express my thought. I always face same problems like this.

Monday, October 5, 2009


My First Post

I ve never expect that I got a my blog.
I am stepping to join the Americal social. kind of..kiki

anyway~ good to have this blog~